Vaginal Rejuvenation

The vagina is a delicate balance of hormones, pheromones and natural chemicals. When everything is working as it should, a woman can live her life without worry. However, if something is off, it can create health problems that could be embarrassing to live with, or show a lover. The Co2re Intima system was designed to rejuvenate the vagina and bring it back to a harmonious balance.

What Makes Co2re Intima So Special?

Intima is a module of the Co2re system created to treat all aspects of a woman’s intimate areas. Co2re Intima uses a CO2 laser to gently treat the delicate skin of the vagina, to both rejuvenate the top layer of skin, and also encourage the production of collagen underneath it. Co2re features a one-time-use handheld applicator to ensure safety, hygiene and accuracy.

How Does it Work?

A member of the Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center team will gently move the applicator around the outside and inside of the vagina, using the laser to tighten and reshape the skin providing vaginal rejuvenation. The CO2 laser fixes both superficial and deep skin issues safely and without the use of surgery.

The procedure itself lasts under a half an hour and is almost entirely painless. Patients have described the feeling as a slight pinching or pricking feeling as the laser is working, but the feelings go away quickly and don’t last beyond a few seconds.

Once the procedure is completed, you can go about your day as normal. Co2re Intima features no downtime and no lasting side effects, although it’s best to refrain from sexual activity for a week after treatment.

What Does Co2re Intima Help Treat?

The primary function of Co2re Intima is to tighten and refresh the skin in and around the vagina. As a result, women who are in menopause, or suffering from dryness, itching or pain can experience a boost in moisture and comfort.

Women who have lost sensation or tone in their vagina will also see a benefit from this procedure. Loss of tone or sensation is a result of childbirth or aging. As the CO2 laser is refreshing the skin, it allows the skin to produce more collagen and boosts its ability to heal itself. The new shape and condition of the skin boosts its ability to remain tight and sensitive.

Who Benefits from Treatment the Most?

Women who are post-childbirth, entering menopause, or embarrassed about the state of their vagina are perfect for this treatment. By rejuvenating the skin, you can return the body to the state it was in when it was healthiest.

It only takes three sessions of this vaginal rejuvenation treatment for women to see and feel the way they did when they were younger and full of energy.

If you’ve experienced a loss of sensitivity, tone, wetness or if the skin around your vagina is beginning to sag, call our Tulsa, OK offices and schedule a consultation right away!

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center


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