Learn About Your Options for Facial Rejuvenation!

When it comes to your skin care, you can’t get enough beautifying treatments that give you a fresh, glowing complexion. You should be happy to know that our office has an array of facial rejuvenation treatments available. There’s no reason to live with a dull skin tone, chronic dryness, wrinkles, large pores, rough texture or anything else that makes you unhappy. Whether you are looking to simply rejuvenate your appearance, or you would like to address a specific skin issue, we are likely to have a facial rejuvenation treatment that can work for you. You won’t know for sure until you visit our office for a consultation.

Options for Facial Rejuvenation

You have several great options if you want younger-looking, more rejuvenated skin. These facial rejuvenation treatments will:

  • Fight signs of aging such as wrinkles and sun damage.
  • Improve your skin’s texture and tone.
  • Exfoliate the skin to leave it looking and feeling radiant.

If you’re trying to avoid getting cosmetic surgery or other invasive procedures, these treatments can keep your skin looking youthful without all of the hassle. If you are getting those procedures, they can enhance your results and help you maintain them.

Popular, Proven Treatments

We’ll take a look at some of the most popular skin care treatments and facial rejuvenation procedures. These are the ones that dermatologists and skin care professionals tend to recommend most often to their clients. That’s because they know that these treatments are safe and deliver what they promise.


Micro-needling is a time-tested procedure that was first developed as a medical solution for scars and stretch marks. It has many cosmetic benefits. Micro-needling gives you skin that gleams with health.

Benefits of Micro-Needling

  • Promotes high levels of collagen-building to create strong, healthy skin.
  • Gives youthful bounce and resiliency back to the skin.
  • Heals acne scars and stretch marks.
  • Leaves the skin bright, smooth and dewy for weeks.
  • Is suitable for any skin type.

How Does Micro-Needling Work?

Micro-needling uses a special device to penetrate the top layer of your skin. This device has many tiny needles on it. The action creates a series of tiny channels in your skin, which responds by building high levels of the skin-strengthening compounds collagen and elastin.

Who is a Good Candidate for Micro-Needling?

If you want to give a dramatic boost to your skin care routine but you’re not ready for an invasive surgical procedure, micro-needling is an excellent alternative. It’s also a good choice if you have sensitive skin.

What is the Micro-Needling Procedure Like?

  • It usually takes just minutes to carry out from start to finish.
  • The technician moves the device quickly and gently over your skin.
  • After the procedure is finished, soothing ointment may be applied to your skin.
  • There is no set downtime. Your face may appear slightly red after the treatment, but this will clear up in days, if not hours.

Can It Be Combined with Other Treatments?

Depending on the situation, micro-needling may be combined with other facial rejuvenation treatments to increase the results.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

You can have micro-needling done on a regular bases for enhanced results. Our professional can work out the best treatment plan for your skin conditions.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are among the most powerful procedures in the beauty treatment lineup. Results vary, but a peel can correct years of damage and deep wrinkles. Chemical peels have been around for decades. They are a proven treatment that delivers dramatic results.

Benefits of a Chemical Peel

  • Erases deep wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Heals sun spots, age spots and other skin discolorations.
  • Penetrates deep to remove layers of dead skin cells.
  • Dramatically reverses signs of aging and sun damage.
  • Prompts the rapid turnover of skin cells to create a fresh, new complexion.

How Does a Chemical Peel Work?

Chemical peels come in different strengths and types. A mild peel gently abrades only the top layer of skin, reversing superficial damage and creating a smooth complexion. As the name suggests, deeper peels go deeper into the skin to reverse sun damage, lift deep wrinkles and correct discolorations.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is appropriate for almost anyone who wants to reverse the early or late signs of aging. If you have sensitive skin, you should stick with a milder type of peel. Chemical peels are a good choice if you want to see dramatic improvements to your skin’s tone and texture. They are also an excellent complement to other facial rejuvenation procedures.

What is the Procedure Like?

After preparing your skin, the professional applies the peel formula to your skin and waits for a set amount of time. The peel is washed off and a healing ointment may be applied. Recovery from a chemical peel depends on the strength of the peel you choose and other factors.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

It all depends on the unique case, as well as what strength and type of peel you use. During a consultation, a customized treatment regimen can be created for you.


Facials are amazing procedures that may use cleansing, exfoliation, moisturization and other methods to bring about various benefits. This kind of treatment is performed in the comfort of our office and can be personalized based on the client’s wants and needs.

Benefits of Facials

  • Deeply moisturize the skin for lasting softness and fullness.
  • Deliver helpful substances deep into the skin to fight the signs of aging and sun damage.
  • Provide results that look natural and beautiful.
  • Combat fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Help skin rebuild its protective barrier.
  • Gentle and easy enough to undergo regularly.

How Does a Facial Work?

Dermabrasions that rely on chemical or manual abrasion are popular, but they can be harsh on skin. Unlike them, facials can use gentler techniques in order to cleanse and exfoliate the skin. This is generally a gentler, more natural approach to deep exfoliation.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Facial?

Any man or woman who wants attractive skin could benefit from this treatment. However, not everyone qualifies for it. That’s one of the reasons why a consultation is so important.

What is the Procedure Like?

The treatment is designed to be quick and relaxing. You can simply relax as the technician applies the treatment to your face. Many people say that it feels like a massage for the face. There is no set recovery or downtime after a facial treatment.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

This type of facial rejuvenation treatment is designed to be safe and easy. You may want to have one done once a month to maintain your fresh, glowing skin.


Dermaplaning is a deeply exfoliating treatment that cleans away dead skin cells, impurities and oily buildup to reveal fresh, new skin. Dermaplaning gives you a glowing, fresh complexion that lasts for weeks. The treatment is so quick and easy that you may be surprised by the great results you get.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

  • Provides deep exfoliation to reveal fresh, radiant skin.
  • Is comfortable and gentle enough for sensitive skin.
  • Removes fine “peach fuzz” hairs to make the skin smooth. You’ll notice a big difference when you’re putting on moisturizer and makeup.
  • Improves tone and texture.
  • Provides results that last for weeks.

How Does Dermaplaning Work?

Dermaplaning is a safe, simple treatment. It works on the surface layer of the skin. Exfoliation improves the skin’s ability to turn over cells, maintain collagen and close pores.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dermaplaning?

Because dermaplaning is gentle and non-invasive, it is great for all skin types. You can use it even if you have sensitive skin, rosacea, broken capillaries or chronic redness.

What is the Dermaplaning Procedure Like?

It is fast, easy and comfortable.

  • It is fast, easy and comfortable.
  • It takes just minutes to carry out.
  • Your technician uses a flat, thin scalpel to exfoliate the top layer of skin.
  • There is no recovery and no downtime.
  • You can combine it with deep cleaning, facials and other facial rejuvenation treatments.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

Most skin care experts recommend having a dermaplaning treatment done regularly for ongoing benefits and cumulative results.

Create a Skin Care Routine

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the facial rejuvenation treatments that we offer. You can target a wide variety of skin concerns with these treatments. Adding just one to your regular routine could take your skin to a beautiful new level. We understand that the wide variety of treatments available can make some people overwhelmed. Our professionals can help you create a plan to get gorgeous, glowing skin.

Keep in mind that our facial rejuvenation procedures work best when paired with a good at-home skin care routine. Again, our professionals can help you in this area as well. We can evaluate your skin and tell you about products that are available that can help you address your skin issues and maintain attractive, healthy skin.

In addition to our treatments, we are proud to also have medical-grade skin care products available. These products are amazing in that they are able to do what over-the-counter products cannot. They are known to be more effective because they contain more of the active ingredient and provide other benefits.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you’re interested in adding the many benefits of these treatments to your beauty routine, we’ll be happy to get you started when you visit us for a consultation at Skin Renewal of Tulsa. To schedule your first appointment, simply contact us today at our office in Tulsa. We look forward to hearing from you!

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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