Correct Facial Volume Loss with Radiesse

Are you dealing with facial volume loss as you age? You may not realize it, but the skin gradually loses volume with age. However, it is an insidious process. You may not realize you are losing volume in your skin until you look at a photograph of yourself from years ago and compare it to a photograph of yourself as you are today. In the old photograph, you will see a fuller face with less noticeable wrinkles. In the present day photograph, you are likely to see volume loss as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

Fortunately, products like Radiesse® were designed to correct this volume loss. Radiesse® is a dermal filler that is delivered via injection. What makes it different from other types of fillers is its Calcium Hydroxylapatite base. This gives it both short-term and long-term benefits because it encourages the body to produce more collagen, which is a building block for healthy and youthful-looking skin.

One of the great things about Radiesse® is that virtually no downtime is involved. Patients need not take days off of work to recover from this non-surgical treatment. This makes Radiesse® treatments extremely convenient for people with busy schedules and lifestyles. The treatments usually take only about 30 minutes or so to complete.

In addition to correcting facial volume loss, the Radiesse® solution also fills in lines and wrinkles. This gives the patient an overall refreshed, more youthful appearance. The results that Radiesse® produces are almost immediate. However, they continue to get better with time as the body produces more and more collagen.

This treatment leaves your face with natural and smooth results. Others will notice that you look revitalized, but they will not be able to tell that you had any type of treatment done. And really, this is what most people want when they get a cosmetic procedure. They want to look better and they want others to notice that they look better, but they don’t want it to be obvious to others that they had anything done.

If you are dealing with a loss of facial volume and would like to do something about it, make an appointment at Skin Renewal of Tulsa to learn more information about Radiesse®. Achieving a more youthful appearance may be a whole lot simpler than you once thought. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Tulsa.

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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