Understanding CoolSculpting: A Non-Invasive Approach to Body Contouring

CoolSculpting is a fat reduction technology that was approved for dermatological use in 2009. The scientists who developed it made a correlation between cold and fat reduction after observing that children who frequently ate popsicles were more likely to have dimpled cheeks. It has become increasingly popular with patients who want a flatter tummy and a more sculpted body or face. This body contouring treatment can be administered by our aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an innovative way for patients to lose unwanted fat in targeted areas of the body. When fat cells freeze, they become inactive waste that is eliminated from the body over time. Using cool sculpting tools, your dermatologist can safely freeze the fat without damaging the surface of your skin. In addition to reducing inches around the waistline, coolsculpting can contour the chin area, upper arms, backside, and thighs.

A Non-Invasive Way To Shape Your Body

Liposuction has traditionally been the method that doctors used to remove unwanted pockets of fat from the body, but it requires surgical incisions and a relatively extensive period of recovery. If you want to lose fat and inches without the need for liposuction and other forms of invasive surgery, CoolSculpting is a body contouring option you should discuss with our providers. You can return to normal daily activities soon after the appointment.

The CoolSculpting Appointment

At your first CoolSculpting appointment, you’ll consult with our provider and have an examination to determine what areas of the body will require the treatment. Use this time to ask any questions you have in mind. During the sculpting session, you’ll lay back on a table and relax as the applicator is placed and left there for about 35 minutes. You can read a book or watch television during the session. You may experience a cold sensation on the skin, numbness, or itchiness, which should subside soon after the visit. There may also be some swelling or tenderness in the region. Look for results in about 1 to 3 months. Depending on your unique body goals, your dermatologist may schedule you for additional CoolSculpting appointments.

Achieve Your Ideal Body Shape

If diet and exercise haven’t been enough to achieve the body shape you want, CoolSculpting may be the right solution for you. Call (918) 293-1287 today to schedule an initial body contouring visit with our aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK.

CoolSculpting is a fat reduction technology that was approved for dermatological use in 2009. The scientists who developed it made a correlation between cold and fat reduction after observing that children who frequently ate popsicles were more likely to have dimpled cheeks. It has become increasingly popular with patients who want a flatter tummy and a more sculpted body or face. This body contouring treatment can be administered by our aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an innovative way for patients to lose unwanted fat in targeted areas of the body. When fat cells freeze, they become inactive waste that is eliminated from the body over time. Using cool sculpting tools, your dermatologist can safely freeze the fat without damaging the surface of your skin. In addition to reducing inches around the waistline, coolsculpting can contour the chin area, upper arms, backside, and thighs.

A Non-Invasive Way To Shape Your Body

Liposuction has traditionally been the method that doctors used to remove unwanted pockets of fat from the body, but it requires surgical incisions and a relatively extensive period of recovery. If you want to lose fat and inches without the need for liposuction and other forms of invasive surgery, CoolSculpting is a body contouring option you should discuss with our providers. You can return to normal daily activities soon after the appointment.

The CoolSculpting Appointment

At your first CoolSculpting appointment, you’ll consult with our provider and have an examination to determine what areas of the body will require the treatment. Use this time to ask any questions you have in mind. During the sculpting session, you’ll lay back on a table and relax as the applicator is placed and left there for about 35 minutes. You can read a book or watch television during the session. You may experience a cold sensation on the skin, numbness, or itchiness, which should subside soon after the visit. There may also be some swelling or tenderness in the region. Look for results in about 1 to 3 months. Depending on your unique body goals, your dermatologist may schedule you for additional CoolSculpting appointments.

Achieve Your Ideal Body Shape

If diet and exercise haven’t been enough to achieve the body shape you want, CoolSculpting may be the right solution for you. Call (918) 293-1287 today to schedule an initial body contouring visit with our aesthetic providers at Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center in Tulsa, OK.

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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