Solutions For Nasolabial Folds: Botox®, Fillers & Laser Resurfacing


Understanding Nasolabial Folds

If you’ve ever noticed the lines at the corners of your mouth and around your nose, these are called nasolabial folds. These lines are common as we age, but they can also be caused by sun exposure, smoking, and facial movements like smiling or frowning. In this blog post, we will discuss what nasolabial folds are, how they form, and what options you have for reducing them. 

What Are Nasolabial Folds? 

Nasolabial folds are the creases and wrinkles that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They start to become more noticeable with age as our skin thins and loses its natural elasticity. The creases appear deeper when we make facial expressions like laughing or smiling. Sun exposure can also cause nasolabial folds to deepen due to collagen breakdown in the skin, as well as other environmental factors such as smoking or pollution.

What Causes Nasolabial Folds?

If you’re noticing nasolabial folds starting to develop on your face, you may be wondering what is causing them. Well, there are a few different factors that can contribute to the appearance of nasolabial folds.

  • Aging. The natural aging process causes our skin to lose its elasticity as we get older which leads to wrinkles, including nasolabial folds. As we age, our skin also produces less collagen, which is a protein responsible for keeping our skin plump and firm. The loss of collagen leads to sagging skin which creates more lines around the mouth area like nasolabial folds.

  • Sun Damage. UV radiation from sun exposure breaks down collagen and elastin fibers in your body which leads to sagging skin with deeper wrinkles around areas like your mouth where nasolabial folds form due to constant muscle movement when speaking or eating. Wearing sunscreen every day helps reduce UV radiation damage while also providing an added benefit of moisturizing your skin, since most sunscreens contain hydrating ingredients like glycerin or shea butter that help keep your skin looking young even if you don’t have any existing wrinkles yet.

  • Weight Loss or Gain. Weight gain or weight loss can cause changes in how your face looks due to fat deposits being redistributed throughout different parts of your face. This can create a different look than before where you may have not had any deep wrinkles at all or even where deep lines had already started forming before any extreme changes happened regarding weight distribution on your face. Weight gain especially can cause deep lines because when fat deposits build up around certain areas like near cheeks or chin this tends pull down those areas making wrinkles much more noticeable than usual, therefore deepening existing ones like those found near the mouth area. On the other hand, losing excessive amounts of body weight can cause sagging and loose looking sections on certain parts of one's face including NLF's. When fat redistributes itself it no longer supports those particular areas causing them look sunken.

  • Smoking. Smoking cigarettes hinders blood circulation and reduces collagen production in the body. This reduces oxygen levels in your skin cells, leading to premature aging and wrinkles such as nasolabial folds appearing earlier than expected. Smoking also damages elastin fibers which are responsible for giving our skin its elasticity so that it bounces back into shape when stretched or pulled. When these fibers break down due to smoking, it becomes harder for our skin to bounce back from being stretched out or pulled down by gravity or muscle movement. This leads to wrinkles appearing sooner than expected around areas such as our mouths, resulting in nasolabial folds forming early on in life for smokers.

0676569001676401202.jpgTreatment Options 

Luckily, there are a few different treatments that can help reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds and make you look younger. Let's take a look at some of your options. 

  • Botulinum Toxin Injections. One option for reducing nasolabial folds is with botulinum toxin injections, such as Botox® and Dysport®. As an added benefit, this February we are offering a special of $10 per unit of Botox! These injections work by temporarily relaxing the facial muscles near the nasolabial folds, which helps to soften and smooth out their appearance. Results typically last around three to four months before they start to fade away.
  • Dermal Fillers. Dermal fillers are another option for tackling nasolabial folds. This type of treatment involves using an injectable filler—such as Juvederm, Restylane Silk, or Radiesse—to plump up and fill in areas where wrinkles and lines have formed on your face. Dermal fillers work by adding volume beneath the skin's surface, which helps to smooth out deep wrinkles while also providing subtle lifting effects. The results from dermal filler injections usually last around six months before they start to fade away.
  • Retinoids. Retinoids are topical creams or gels that contain vitamin A derivatives (such as retinol or tretinoin). These products can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing collagen production and promoting cell turnover rate in your skin. Retinoids can also increase hydration levels in your skin cells which helps keep your skin looking smoother over time. Retinoid products should be used on a regular basis for best results and will usually take several weeks before you start seeing visible improvements in your skin's texture and tone.
  • Skin-Tightening Procedures. Finally, there are several different skin-tightening procedures available for reducing nasolabial folds. These include laser resurfacing treatments, like Ultra Laser Resurfacing, microneedling treatments, like Genius Microneedling, and more invasive surgical procedures (such as facelifts). Each procedure works differently but they all generally involve tightening underlying tissues which helps reduce wrinkles on your face over time.

Prevention Tips 

The best way to prevent nasolabial fold wrinkles from forming is through preventative measures such as: 

  • Wearing an SPF 30 sunscreen daily
  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure during peak UV hours
  • Drinking plenty of water for hydration
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet with foods rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals 
  • Quitting smoking if applicable

Taking these steps now can help slow down future signs of aging in this area over time! Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center has everything you need to look and feel your best. If you have any questions about nasolabial fold wrinkles or would like to discuss treatment options available to you, please consult with us today. And don't forget to save on Botox® this month with our special sale price of only $10 per unit!


Understanding Nasolabial Folds

If you’ve ever noticed the lines at the corners of your mouth and around your nose, these are called nasolabial folds. These lines are common as we age, but they can also be caused by sun exposure, smoking, and facial movements like smiling or frowning. In this blog post, we will discuss what nasolabial folds are, how they form, and what options you have for reducing them. 

What Are Nasolabial Folds? 

Nasolabial folds are the creases and wrinkles that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They start to become more noticeable with age as our skin thins and loses its natural elasticity. The creases appear deeper when we make facial expressions like laughing or smiling. Sun exposure can also cause nasolabial folds to deepen due to collagen breakdown in the skin, as well as other environmental factors such as smoking or pollution.

What Causes Nasolabial Folds?

If you’re noticing nasolabial folds starting to develop on your face, you may be wondering what is causing them. Well, there are a few different factors that can contribute to the appearance of nasolabial folds.

  • Aging. The natural aging process causes our skin to lose its elasticity as we get older which leads to wrinkles, including nasolabial folds. As we age, our skin also produces less collagen, which is a protein responsible for keeping our skin plump and firm. The loss of collagen leads to sagging skin which creates more lines around the mouth area like nasolabial folds.

  • Sun Damage. UV radiation from sun exposure breaks down collagen and elastin fibers in your body which leads to sagging skin with deeper wrinkles around areas like your mouth where nasolabial folds form due to constant muscle movement when speaking or eating. Wearing sunscreen every day helps reduce UV radiation damage while also providing an added benefit of moisturizing your skin, since most sunscreens contain hydrating ingredients like glycerin or shea butter that help keep your skin looking young even if you don’t have any existing wrinkles yet.

  • Weight Loss or Gain. Weight gain or weight loss can cause changes in how your face looks due to fat deposits being redistributed throughout different parts of your face. This can create a different look than before where you may have not had any deep wrinkles at all or even where deep lines had already started forming before any extreme changes happened regarding weight distribution on your face. Weight gain especially can cause deep lines because when fat deposits build up around certain areas like near cheeks or chin this tends pull down those areas making wrinkles much more noticeable than usual, therefore deepening existing ones like those found near the mouth area. On the other hand, losing excessive amounts of body weight can cause sagging and loose looking sections on certain parts of one's face including NLF's. When fat redistributes itself it no longer supports those particular areas causing them look sunken.

  • Smoking. Smoking cigarettes hinders blood circulation and reduces collagen production in the body. This reduces oxygen levels in your skin cells, leading to premature aging and wrinkles such as nasolabial folds appearing earlier than expected. Smoking also damages elastin fibers which are responsible for giving our skin its elasticity so that it bounces back into shape when stretched or pulled. When these fibers break down due to smoking, it becomes harder for our skin to bounce back from being stretched out or pulled down by gravity or muscle movement. This leads to wrinkles appearing sooner than expected around areas such as our mouths, resulting in nasolabial folds forming early on in life for smokers.

0676569001676401202.jpgTreatment Options 

Luckily, there are a few different treatments that can help reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds and make you look younger. Let's take a look at some of your options. 

  • Botulinum Toxin Injections. One option for reducing nasolabial folds is with botulinum toxin injections, such as Botox® and Dysport®. As an added benefit, this February we are offering a special of $10 per unit of Botox! These injections work by temporarily relaxing the facial muscles near the nasolabial folds, which helps to soften and smooth out their appearance. Results typically last around three to four months before they start to fade away.
  • Dermal Fillers. Dermal fillers are another option for tackling nasolabial folds. This type of treatment involves using an injectable filler—such as Juvederm, Restylane Silk, or Radiesse—to plump up and fill in areas where wrinkles and lines have formed on your face. Dermal fillers work by adding volume beneath the skin's surface, which helps to smooth out deep wrinkles while also providing subtle lifting effects. The results from dermal filler injections usually last around six months before they start to fade away.
  • Retinoids. Retinoids are topical creams or gels that contain vitamin A derivatives (such as retinol or tretinoin). These products can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing collagen production and promoting cell turnover rate in your skin. Retinoids can also increase hydration levels in your skin cells which helps keep your skin looking smoother over time. Retinoid products should be used on a regular basis for best results and will usually take several weeks before you start seeing visible improvements in your skin's texture and tone.
  • Skin-Tightening Procedures. Finally, there are several different skin-tightening procedures available for reducing nasolabial folds. These include laser resurfacing treatments, like Ultra Laser Resurfacing, microneedling treatments, like Genius Microneedling, and more invasive surgical procedures (such as facelifts). Each procedure works differently but they all generally involve tightening underlying tissues which helps reduce wrinkles on your face over time.

Prevention Tips 

The best way to prevent nasolabial fold wrinkles from forming is through preventative measures such as: 

  • Wearing an SPF 30 sunscreen daily
  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure during peak UV hours
  • Drinking plenty of water for hydration
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet with foods rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals 
  • Quitting smoking if applicable

Taking these steps now can help slow down future signs of aging in this area over time! Tulsa Hills Cosmetic and Laser Skin Center has everything you need to look and feel your best. If you have any questions about nasolabial fold wrinkles or would like to discuss treatment options available to you, please consult with us today. And don't forget to save on Botox® this month with our special sale price of only $10 per unit!

Tulsa Hills Cosmetic & Laser Skin Center

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